Sunday, May 21, 2006

Whole Lotta Measure N' Go N' On

Shhhhh. . . it's a secret

Stephaney and Stacey are in charge of measuring the floor boards to be certain that they are cut to the right length. But as you can see they were measuring more than just boards.

Decisions . . . decisions

So who has the longest nose, Stephaney or Stacey?

Don't look!

And then the measuring got more detailed, I refrained from posting some of the parts that got measured because, after all, this is a family blog. I'll leave it to your imagination. . .

Behave yourself

Stephaney thought Stacey was getting a little carried away so she decided to try to take control of the situation.

Where was Mea during all this measuring? She was laughing and dancing around on the floor with her measuring tape clipped on her.

After all that carrying on, it was time to get back to measuring the boards.


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