Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Here's The Scoop

Elizabeth, a columnist from the St. Peterburg Times, came to our family treehouse for an interview. How she found out about it is still puzzling. Seems a Times editor was on a plane, sitting next to "Tim" who was talking to this editor about his friends' treehouse. Then this editor told Elizabeth's editor who told Elizabeth about it and . . . the rest is posted here on our Blog. We know several guys named "Tim" but we didn't know they knew about the treehouse. Maybe the editor got the name wrong? So if you can solve this puzzle, please let us know.

In the meantime, back at the treehouse, it appeared Elizabeth enjoyed her visit and as nervous as we were, the interview was quite a pleasant experience. After all, in my almost 52 years on this earth, the only interview I've ever had was a job interview. Oh . . . did I forget to mention this Thursday, August 17th, it's my birthday. Who said women don't like to tell their age?

Tomorrow Lance, a photographer for the Times, is coming to take our picture for the article. Rumor has it that Saturday the St. Pete Times will let you know the rest of the story.


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