Roof Roof & More Roof
Still working on the shingles, but it's getting there.
Cutting the shingles to fit around the dormer takes a lot of time and but we have it half finished.
The different colors in the wood add a great touch, this picture doesn't do them justice.
One side of the roof is almost completed just one more layer to go across the top on the left side. Still have to get the right side completed, then we can but on the wooden top cap.
Royce got the front dormer finished despite the challenge of nailing the shingles in place under the upper roof. It will be a while before we can work on the roof again. Next weekend, Mea is coming home from the University of West Florida and we have to go to Pensacola to help her move her stuff back home. Then the next weekend is Mother's Day, Royce is cooking dinner. I can't wait.
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