Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tree House Fairy Comes Through

I didn't have my camera with me so you'll have to picture this in your mind. It's lunch time and I'm at work at our store. The phone rings, it's Andy, he had gone home for lunch. He lives just around the corner from the store. He's all excited and his language is quite colorful. Too colorful for this family blog. But the jest of the conversation was that a tractor trailer hit a huge branch on an oak tree that overhangs the road and the truck was hung up.

I jump into my car and drive around the corner to find . . . sure enough . . .the railing branches we need! The truck couldn't go backwards or forwards because the branch had broken off and fallen down between the tractor and the trailer. One of the smaller branches that was only about as big around as my leg was caught between the top of the truck cab and the exhaust stack. The driver, a tall black man, is jumping up and down on the oak branch trying to make it break off. The only thing he succeeded in doing was wedging it down further between the stack while creating a dent in the cab.

To make a long story short: I told Theo (that's the driver's name) that my husband, Royce, has a chain saw at the store and that I would go get him, the chain saw and a pickup truck to haul away the branches. And that's exactly what happened.

Royce cut up the large branches into treehouse railing post size and Theo was grateful that we got him out of a major bind. He helped us load the branches into the truck and drove off towards Orlando to make more deliveries. Hopefully his next delivery won't involve another oak tree. Treehouse fairies come in all shapes and sizes . . . Thanks Theo.


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