Saturday, December 30, 2006

December's Progress

December's weekends were used for decorating the house, shopping for family, decorating Christmas trees, shopping for family, preparing festive meals, and more shopping for family. Another words there was very little time for the treehouse building.

Royce tried decorating the treehouse stairway with twinkle lights. Took him hours stringing those lights. Which lasted all of a part of one evening. We didn't even get to take a picture before the squirrels ate them off the railing. I kid you not. (I'd bet those lil' scamps got a stomach ache for all their trouble.)

Just the framework but it's looking more and more like a treehouse!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hots Days Of December

You would think that since it's December it would atleast be cool. But no, the weather is hot and sunny with temperatures reaching into the 90s. We are working on the treehouse trusses.

Royce is winging it as he goes, he says, but one would think he knows exactly what he's doing.

Well almost knows what he's doing. I have to use the pry bar to straighten out a "mis-calculation". A few mistakes here and there, it's all trial and error, that's life.

Not too shabby for a "winger".

Almost a year later since we started on our family project and I think he forgot he's afraid of heights.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Friends from England

left to right: Mike, John, Royce, Bridgette (Royce's puppy) & Greg

A few years back, Greg and Nadine introduced us to some of their friends from England. I'm happy to say they have become our friends too. Mike and John came over for the Turkey Rod Run (actually I think they came over for Nadine's great Thanksgiving cooking) so we had to show them the treehouse before they left. We hadn't started it when they were here last. Mike was a little hesitant to actually walk across the floor to join the others, but he braved the trip.


I love J K Rowling's books and Mike was kind enough to send me the England version of Harry Potter ands the Order of the Phoenix when it was first published.