Sunday, March 25, 2007

More Tree Branches

Friday night, we were riding along Interstate 75 and noticed that grandfather oaks, pines, and all kinds of trees along the sides of the road were being cut down and put into a giant mulcher. There were mountains of mulch and pile after pile of trees for miles. We just couldn't bear to see all those tree branches that were perfect for our treehouse being mulched up. So Saturday afternoon we came back with truck and chain saw in hand to salvage a few branches.

I climbed up on the tree pile and cut the choice branches loose from the tangled ones letting them fall to the ground. Then Royce would cut them to a size so we could handle and load them into the truck. We need to replace a few of the branches on the treehouse railing that are not too sturdy and these branches are perfect for the task.

We found a lot of larger branches to use for the posts to support the treehouse roof so we cut them and hauled them back to the treehouse also.

We got quite a haul and the job wore us out. We will sleep good tonight!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Minor Set Back

We had our plan in action. Get the materials we needed to get the fir strips and eaves drip finished.

Supervisors were in place, ready to see that the job was done properly.

We began to nail the fir strip in place when we heard a loud noise below us on the ground, like an M80 exploding, then metal hitting against metal, like a fan blade rotating but hitting metal as it revolves, then things flying apart whizzing through the air. I looked over the railing just in time to see parts flying out of the air compressor.

Yeah I'd say it's just a little broken beyond repair. Guess it's time to go buy a new one. There will be a brief delay in our work schedule today.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

More Roof Work to Go

We got the wooden shingles for the roof, you can see them stacked up on the ground under the side of the treehouse. Now we just need to finish the plywood on the roof, nail fir strip in place, then the eaves drip, dry all of it in, then nail on the shingles. We have about half of these tasks done, it's just a matter of finding time to finish them.

We are on our way upstairs to work on the roof today. Can you see the dragonfly overhead?

Oh yes, we have an inspector overseeing our work. Isn't he just strutting his stuff!

The roof started sagging in the middle without supports, so Royce puts in temporary poles to hold it up. Atleast we hope they will be temporary. We are looking for tree limbs that may be big enough to take the place of these poles.

We got the poles in place now we can safely climb around on the roof without making it sag more.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Getting It Dried In

Once we got the plywood nailed down we had to get it dried in just in case it rained.

Yep, my job again. Royce was there taking my picture, in all my flattering positions. See here I am bent over on the left side of the roof.

And here I am bent over on the right side of the roof.

Does this remind you of one of those people showing you hours and hours of "exciting" pictures of their whatever and whoever. Well I'll spare you the hours and cut to the chase.

We got it done and here is the end result.

Yes I AM standing on top of the roof and no I won't sit down.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Up On The Roof

Did I mention that I'm not afraid of heights? Never have been, probably never will be. I guess that's why I got elected to be the one to nail the plywood on the very top roof.

Although, Royce made me a nervous wreck. First he made me go in the house and change my flip flops and put on tennis shoes. Then with his constant, "Aren't you getting a little close to the edge? Can you sit down when you nail the plywood? If you have to stand, don't stand on the steep part of the roof. Stay in the center." So who's doing this me or him?

So he finally got down on the ground, picked up the camera and took some pictures. That was a good job for him.

Ok now I ask you, who's too close to the edge?

Butterflies & Dragonflies

I came across this butterfly in, of all places, Wal-Mart, and I thought it would add a nice touch to the railing.

This dragonfly was a gift from Stacey for my birthday last year. When you pull the string it's wings flap and it looks like it's flying.

It hangs out over the stairs from Soubert's claw. So as you walk up or down the stairs you can see how pretty it is.

It hangs just the right height that when I pull the string, the dragonfly appears to be flying over my head as I ascend or decend the stairs.