Sunday, August 19, 2007

Walls, walls & more walls

We are finally getting the walls up and it's looking more like a cozy house everyday. Yesterday our family celebrated Stephaney's and my birthday. Yeah . . . I'm 29 again with 24 years of experience. . . and Stephaney's also 29 again with only 4 years of experience. Royce cooked crab chilau for us and it was delicious.

As I told you before, our friends and neighbors, Melody & her husband Jose gave us the plywood that they used to board up their windows when a hurricane was in our area. It is sure coming in handy for our treehouse.

It was really difficult to cut the plywood to fit around the poles, but with a lot of patience and a lot more measuring Royce got it to fit.

We finished the walls all the way around the treehouse, but we still have to go buy windows for it.

Buying the windows will just have to wait until next weekend. Don't the walls look great!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Framing the Porthole Window

Royce cuts the wood for the framing around the porthole window.

Then he nails the wood around the hole he cut in the wall.

I think this window will look really awesome once we get it finished.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Can't Walk Thru Walls

It won't be long now and then you can't walk through the walls.

We are working on the front walls of the treehouse. Measuring the plywood, cutting it to size and nailing it into place.

I bought what looks like a brass porthole window from a ship that we are going to use as a little window for the front of the treehouse.

Royce cuts out the oblong hole for the window. He will have to get it just perfect so it will be functional and not just decorative.

Nice view Royce.