Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Floor Beams Go Into Place

Our friends Nadine & Greg came over to help with our treehouse Sunday. There's a lot of heavy beams to put into place so we need all the help we can get. I think they're kidding about working for food . . . maybe not.

To reach the floor level of our family's treehouse Royce and Greg had to put the scaffold up. After all 15' is a long ways up in the air when you are trying to put floor beams into place.

Greg hurries to get up on top of the scaffold as Royce carries the beam up the stairs. When he reaches scaffold level he hands it up to Greg.

Nadine's ready to help Greg in case the beam is a little too much for him to handle. Now all Greg has to do is to get it all the way onto the scaffold without it falling off the scaffold taking him with it!

Royce isn't sure he really wants to be that high up without a safety net. I have to ask this question again... What is a man, that is afraid of heights, doing building a 15' treehouse?

Now all that's left to do is to put the beam in place. However, I have a feeling that is easier said than done ...

Yeah guys just get the beam in place . . it isn't cut too long is it?

Looks like the problem is solved. If all else fails. . . get out the sledge hammer. You have to look at this challenge positively, atleast the board wasn't cut too short this time.

And the beam is finally in place. Only 8 more to go . . . or is it 9? Well I'll think about that tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Just a Swingin'

Meachelle (Mea) came home from University of West Florida for Spring Break. Nick & Taylor were on Spring Break too, so we got to spend Tuesday together.

Mea designed a make-shift treehouse swing and we all got a turn!

The rope was a little rough on the bottom so Nick decided to stand up and swing.

How many can swing at one time?

Taylor's turn and who's next?

Nick wanted me to try out the swing. He got the swing going really fast and as you can see from the expression on my face, I was taken by surprise!

Even Sirius got a turn on the swing. . . .

Great job Mea! We had so much fun.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Higher & Higher

From the second stair platform, the third and final stairs tier took shape. Andy helped us get everything in place, including removal of the second board that was too short. Looking forward to getting number three out of the way, because we all know things like this happen in threes!


I love it when a plan comes together!

Wow, movin' on up!

Our Challenges

Wrong size

Anyone have any super glue? . . . How about some liquid nails?

OOPS screwed up again!After Royce cut the board wrong the first time, he got another board to replace it. He had one of our business trucks deliver it bright and early one Saturday morning. After he cut that board wrong, he had to make a trip to Lowe's in his Landcruiser to pick up another board. It wouldn't fit because these are 12 feet long boards, so he had to have them cut it to fit in his SUV. Hopefully, it's the right length this time.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Stunt Family

Did I mention that we have stunt people in our family? Taylor up and down the scaffold all day.

Nick swinging on the rope from the top of the stairs.

Rod balancing on top of the beam. . . 15 feet in the air!

Then he does a tightrope walk or is it a tightbeam walk across?

Royce and I just watched the show safely from the ground level.

All the Way Up to the Top

Nick helps Papa construct the first level platform of the stairs, then we're ready for the next level.

Only one thing is wrong, but no one knows it at the moment. This board was cut too short. So during the week Royce cut another board and we finished the stairs after dark with the aid of flood lights. Guess who was the first person up on the new level of stairs showing off her latest dirt rock art.

Yep, you guessed right. Hey Taylor!

Our friends, Nadine and Greg, came over to help with the next platform and third level of stairs.

I think I had a momentary lapse of sanity when I volunteered to climb up and bolt the platform boards into place.
The second platform is almost complete, well atleast the bolts are in place. But there's one board that's not quite right. (Yeah, no one knows it at the moment) So we are still pleased with all our hard labor.

Friday, March 24, 2006

First Steps

Extension ladder leaning against the trunk . . . not permanent enough, Spiral stairs… I don’t want to be dizzy when I finally arrive on a platform 15 feet up in the air, vertical steps . . . too straight up, rope ladder… let me think ..huh NO. After a lot of discussion, mind changes, (a woman is entitled to change her mind) we decided on a tiered stairway going up to our family treehouse. Can you move Taylor so I can put the next step on? Ok Papa...

The grandkids liked that idea too. . . we haven’t even finished the steps and they want to use them. If Papa can work around his artist granddaughter we may get them finished sometime soon.

The end of a perfect day, the first steps completed and the gals are taking a break while the guys climb down from the scaffold.

Taylor's Dirt Rock Art

We started building the first tier of steps and Taylor found them the perfect place to be creative. She found hard clumps of dirt and just the right size stick to make her artistic animals.

Nick sits patiently waiting for the next board that has to be measured as Taylor concentrates intently on her art work. Yes there is only two steps so far ... and no they won't move.

Almost done . . . Just a few more finishing touches. . . And Taylor's Masterpiece!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Treehouse Guard Dogs

Cody and Katy

Cody and Katy are guarding the next beam that's going up. They've dug holes all around it creating an obstacle course just in case there are any intruders sneaking around trying to run off with it.


Sirius is guarding the rope. Intruders don't stand a chance with these fierce beasts on duty, the intruders would probably be licked to death... but they're doing such a great job.

Riding High

What you are witnessing you should not attempt unless your spouse has your life insurance premium paid. There has to be an easier way to get that beam into place.

Rod riding the forklift
Just think there's another beam that has to go on the other side.

Royce looks on in disbelief . . .

Do not attempt this at home. This is a professional stunt son-in-law attempting to appease his in-laws.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

High Beams

Papa, Taylor & Misty

What did you think I meant by high beams? No minds in the gutter here. After all this is a "family" treehouse. Royce is just guiding the first beam into place that will support the platform.

Papa on the forklift

This treehouse seems to have captured the imagination of our grandchildren, Taylor and Nick. They are already making plans to spend the night in the treehouse, snuggled in sleeping bags, playing video games, watching movies, and cable cartoons on, not one but, TWO TV sets. So let's recap the requirements of my grandkids request: electricity, Playstation, DVD player, 2 TVs and did you catch the specific word "cable?" Whatever happened to the pretend cardboard box TV, boardgames, flashlights, and a transistor radio? And ...

Taylor, Stephaney & Nick

we only have the second beam going into place. Better get a move on Papa!