Saturday, November 24, 2007

Turkey Rod Run - Daytona Speedway Nov. 2007

Our 1956 Thunderbird at the Daytona Speedway, 2007 Turkey Rod Run.

We went to the Turkey Rod Run with our friends instead of working on the treehouse this weekend. If you ever want to see thousands of street rods this is the place to be the weekend after Thanksgiving.

We had a lot of fun.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day!

We had a nice Thanksgiving, thank you very much. We lived well, loved much and laughed often. Royce and I also celebrate our wedding anniversary tomorrow, 22 years!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Staining the Eaves

Royce cut more plywood pieces for the eaves while I stained the ones already in place.

I had to stand on a plastic crate to reach overhead to stain the eaves. . . talk about back breaking!

It looks good if I say so myself.

I hope this stain comes out of my hair. . . it feels really sticky until it dries.

By the end of the day I'm ready for a nice hot bath and a cold glass of ice tea.

We celebrated our granddaughter's, Taylor, birthday yesterday. She turned 10 years old. . . double digits!!! Congrats Taylor, we love you!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Taylor Turns Double Digits

Celebration of Taylor's 10th Birthday!

Taylor turned 10 years old this week, November 12, 2007.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Treehouse Eaves

After a lot of trial and error attempting to cut the plywood for the eaves, we got some awesome assistance from our friends, Greg & Nadine. Royce and I had measured and remeasured, cut and recut plywood after plywood and only got two pieces of eaves correct. We were truly frustrated.

Greg and Nadine came over and everything started going up quickly and smoothly.

Greg installs swimming pool tile for a living, accurately cutting tiles all the time, so cutting this plywood was easy for him.

Board after board goes into place, he makes it look so easy to do. Believe me it's not.

Especially having to work over your head making each piece fit like a puzzle.

Do you see that one dark brown stained piece and the one to the left of it? That's the two pieces Royce and I installed and it took up almost a complete day. But as you can see now it's starting to take shape, with a little help from our friends.

The really hard part will be the eaves way up top on the second level.

But, we don't have to worry about that today.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Bridgette has been following us around today, up and down the treehouse stairs. She is not afraid to climb all the way up to the treehouse porch.

That's a long way up for such a little one.

She loves to be outside chasing the squirrels while Royce works.

Stephaney and Rod have asked me to take care of Taylor while they go up to Wisconsin for his brother's funeral. I'll be taking Taylor home to the east coast today so she can attend school while her Mommy and Daddy are away. No time for me to help Royce with the treehouse today. Next weekend we will have to do double duty.